
Twice a year, in the spring and fall, we hold three- to five-day retreats that may be attended either in-person or online via Zoom. The schedule includes zazen (formal meditation practice), kinhin (walking meditation), teisho (talks by the teacher).

2024 Steep Mountain Hybrid Retreat

The 2024 Steep Mountain Hybrid Retreat will be held March 25-31. For more information, contact Susan Gray.

2023 Steep Mountain Hybrid Retreat

March 8-12, 2023, we held the Steep Mountain Hybrid Retreat. Members of the Zen Center of Spokane met to sit in-person for the five-day retreat, while remote participants joined in via Zoom.

The retreat was held under the direction of our teacher, Jack Duffy Roshi. Jack prepared and presented teishos on three of the days.
