
Books by Robert Aitken Roshi

  • The Dragon Who Never Sleeps: Verses for Zen Buddhist Practice
    Berkeley, CA: Parallax Press, 1992
  • Encouraging Words: Zen Buddhist Teachings for Western Students
    New York, NY & San Francisco, CA: Pantheon Books, 1993
  • The Gateless Barrier: The Wu-Men Kuan (Mumonkan)
    Berkeley, CA: North Point Press, 1991
  • The Ground We Share: Everyday Practice, Buddhist and Christian
    Boston, MA & London, England: Shambhala, 1996. (With David Steindl-Rast)
  • The Mind of Clover: Essays in Zen Buddhist Ethics
    New York, NY: North Point Press, 1984
  • Original Dwelling Place: Zen Buddhist Essays
    Washington, DC: Counterpoint, 1997.
  • Taking the Path of Zen
    New York, NY: North Point Press, 1982
  • The Practice of Perfection: The Paramitas from a Zen Buddhist Perspective
    Washington, DC: Counterpoint, 1997
  • Zen Master Raven: Sayings and Doings of a Wise Bird
    Boston, MA, Rutland, VT & Tokyo, Japan: Tuttle Publishing, 2002
  • A Zen Wave: Basho’s Haiku and Zen
    New York, NY & Tokyo, Japan: Weatherhill, 1978

    Other Helpful Books
  • Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, Shunryu Suzuki
    New York, NY & Tokyo, Japan: Weatherhill, 1998
  • The Roaring Stream: A New Zen Reader, Nelson Foster & Jack Shoemaker (Ecco Companions)
    Hopewell, NJ: The Ecco Press, 1996
  • The Three Pillars of Zen: Teaching, Practice, and Enlightenment, Philip T. Kapleau
    New York, NY: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1989
  • Dongshan’s Five Ranks: Keys to Enlightenment, Ross Bolleter
    Wisdom Publications, 2014
  • Etty Hillesum: An Interrupted Life, the Diaries & Letters from Westerbork
    Eva Hoffman
  • Sun at Midnight: Muso Soseki
    W.S. Merwin
  • Dialogues in a Dream: The life and teachings of Muso Soseki
    Thomas Kirchner