Jack Duffy Roshi

Our teacher, Jack Duffy Roshi, was given permission to teach by Robert Aitken Roshi in January, 1992, and was given independent teaching status and the title of Roshi in the formal Transmission Ceremony five years later. Jack had been a student of Aitken Roshi since 1981 and has studied with other teachers, including Joan Rieck and Thich Nhat Hanh.

Jack Duffy Roshi
Jack Duffy Roshi

Jack brings his roles of spouse, father and psychotherapist, as well as years of endangered species work and wilderness wanderings, to his teaching.

Jack lives on Lummi Island, In Puget Sound’s San Juan Island chain. He teaches via Zoom on the first Saturday of the month and presides over our twice-yearly, five-day retreats.

Jack Duffy with Robert Aitken
Jack Duffy Roshi with Robert Aitken Roshi.